Available Paintings:
- 11″ x 30″ 1/2 sheet watercolor $375.00
- 22″ x 30″ full sheet watercolor $575.00
- 21″ x 14″ half sheet watercolor $300.00
- 21″ x 14″ half sheet watercolor $375.00
- 21″ x 14″ 1/2 sheet watercolor $375.00
- 21″ x 14″ 1/2 sheet watercolor $375.00
- 11″x 15″ 1/4 sheet watercolor $225.00
- 11″x 15″ 1/4 sheet watercolor $200.00
- 21″ x 14″ 1/2 sheet watercolor $375.00
- 11″x 15″ 1/4 sheet watercolor $275.00
- 8×10 and 11x14inch prints $25.00 and $35.00
- 11″x 15″ Quarter sheet watercolor $275.00
- 11″x 15″ Quarter sheet watercolor $275.00
Sold Paintings:
- Yucca Bloom Full Sheet Watercolor
- White Iris Watercolor Half sheet Vertical
- Sun Flower opening Half Sheet watercolor
- Yellow Iris from Aunt Ruth’s Garden
- Ristras Full sheet Watercolor
- Rhododendron Half sheet Watercolor
- Chloe Puppy Half sheet watercolor
- Prickly Pear Half sheet watercolor
- Prickly Pear Cactus Full Sheet watercolor
- Portrait of Nephews Charles (L) and Philip (R) half sheet watercolor
- More Mason Jars half sheet watercolor
- Lilac quarter sheet watercolor
- Sun Flower full sheet watercolor
- Pumpkins from Las Golondrinas NM half sheet watercolor
- Yellow Iris Full sheet watercolor
- Geranium I Full sheet watercolor
- Geranium half sheet vertical watercolor
- Geranium Half sheet vertical watercolor
- Gabbie, the white hen half sheet watercolor
- Still Life of Sichler Farm Apples Full sheet watercolor
- Cholla Cactus half sheet watercolor
- Baskets of Sichler Farm Red Chile Full sheet watercolor
- Bird Watching 30″ x 22 full sheet
- 22″ x 30″ full sheet watercolor Sold
- 22″ x15″ 1/2 sheet watercolor Sold
- 21″ x 14″ 1/2 sheet watercolor
- 22″ x 30″ full sheet watercolor Sold
- 22″ x 30″ full sheet watercolor Sold
- half-sheet 14″ x 21″ Commission painting of Golden Retriever
- half-sheet 14″ x 21″ Commission painting
Hi Karen,it was great meeting you this weekend. I just spent the last hour exploring your work. Really lovely. I particularly like your flowers and leaves.
Stephen (Matt’s cousin)
Hello Karen, got to see you art work in Santa Fe. I was very fond of your Crows and your Black Labador (These Eye’s).
We love your work and it was very nice meeting you.
Ronnie Buck
Denver, Colorado
I am glad to have met you too Ronnie and appreciate your interest in my “These Eyes” and Raven painting. Stay tuned as I am in the process of new work and will upload as they are completed. Best Regards, Karen