Wow what a year this has been for all of us during these covid 19 times. As an artist, it has been very difficult to exhibit and sell art. I have been limited to my ties the Sage Mesa Collective Gallery, in Madrid, NM with limited hours and the use of social media and the internet. Amanda and Alfred have been so great and their gallery is a quaint shop, check it out!! @sagemesacollective
Thankfully the NM Artisan Market has provided the juried artists from 2019 show a platform at the Sawmill Market in Albuquerque. Unfortunately it was limited to only 10 artist booths at a time. We were given the opportunity to purchase booth spaces during the weekends starting October 2 through December 27on a first-come first-serve bases. I just finished this past weekend and feel very thankful for the opportunity that NM Artisan Market has provided. Now we are all shut down again.

My next scheduled week end is Christmas weekend on the 24, 26 , and the 27. I hope that New Mexico will be able to open up after this latest mandate to shelter in place for 14 days. I agree with the order but hope it does not go on for a lengthy period of time. Hopefully people will follow protocol and we can slow down this terrible virus.
I am wishing all of you the best for these upcoming weeks ahead and hope that we all can do our part to stay safe, healthy and happy. Happy Thanksgiving to all.