Author Archives: khmadmin

September 6, 2017

I want to thank Roger Alink and all the staff at Wildlife West Nature Park for providing me the opportunity as an artist, to exhibit my work during their Harvest Festival along with the Heart of New Mexico Fiber Gathering Group. The weather was great, people were great and all in all a good weekend.

The volunteers and New Mexico Youth Conservation Corps members have made Wildlife West Nature Park what it is today. Each year, these profoundly generous people donate thousands of hours of their time and skills to help with construction, maintenance, operations, animal enrichment, sustainability, and educational programs. Our gratitude to all our current and past volunteers knows no bounds.

Volunteering at Wildlife West is a rewarding and valuable experience. If you are interested in volunteering with us in any area, we’d love to work with you! Come and join us and help to buildmaintain, and educate.

Again, a big Thank you to all the volunteers and staff at Wildlife West for their assistance!