Author Archives: khmadmin

Summer Projects 2018

Well I have been busy creating and selling my vintage tins up in Santa Fe.  I am at the Farmers Market at the Railyards every Wednesday afternoon from 3 until 6 PM. and at the Railyard Artisan Market each Sunday from 10 AM until 4 PM. This Saturday I will be at the Wildlife West Nature Park in Edgewood from 10 until 6 PM.

I finished a project I did for a client in porcelain tiles that I hand made. the installation took place in June. I love how it turned out and believe that my client is happy with the result.

I have many shows coming up this fall, starting with the Sidewalk Art Festival in Sioux Falls, SD in September. I will post more about it next month.  I am an alternate for the Rio Grande Festival in October and have applied for a show on the Thanksgiving weekend in November.