Author Archives: khmadmin

Almost October

My trip to South Dakota was a great success, I sold paintings and found more materials to paint.  I am currently an alternate for the Rio Grande Art Festival at the Sandia Casino next weekend.  I will not find out until late Thursday afternoon, which does not give me a lot of time to set up so I am working on new work just in case. The Railyard Artisan Market is every Sunday from 10 – 4 PM so will going up for that tomorrow.  Two weekends ago was the 10th anniversary celebration of the Railyard and it brought a great crowd of local and out-of-town visitors to the market. It was a good sale day for me.

I have the Recycle Santa Fe Show coming up in end of November the weekend after Thanksgiving to also get ready for.  I am anxious to show new work on very interesting pieces of vintage metal I found in South Dakota.

Best Regards, Karen