Author Archives: khmadmin

April 20, 2020:420

Well the times in the world have definitely changed for those of us the depend on socializing at art markets and festivals. I hope that all of you are following the social distancing and safety rules necessary to prevent spreading this terrible disease. I know that our future will have better times ahead and stay happy and healthy.

As artists we have to find ways to make are work more accessible to all of you. I am starting a site for e-commerce sales that is available through my square account. I have uploaded all my vintage tin paintings please check it out.

I hope that the next month or two is better for all of us. I have been accepted to the Santa Fe Wine Festival at Los Golondrinas again this summer over the 4th of July weekend and sure hope we can all gather and raise a glass to the better times ahead.

This year is the year of making our lives and environment better. My personal wish for our future is that everyone will do their part to be responsible. Our bees are so important globally as the world’s most important pollinator of food crops and flowers. We need stop using toxic chemicals!

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing all of you in our better future ahead!!